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How to do Smart Work instead of Hard - Student Motivation 

Hello, Dear Friends In this article lets know some interesting tips to start smart work in your life. Friends as we all know hard work is necessary in order to obtain success in all aspects of life. Nothing comes in life without putting hard work to it. Your dreams do not materialize without your consistent action as success can't be an accident. A dream does not become a reality without hard work but in the modern prospect of life you should start a new way of hard work that's- Smart Work
So Friends here are some quick tips from me to have a hobby of doing everything smartly:-

How to do Smart Work instead of Hard - Student Motivation

 Create a new vision of doing things smartly 

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 You know friends the most necessary factor of your smart work is new vision...... What makes a thing smarter????? a vision you just have to do work with a new, better and easy vision. e.g:- Assumed that you are doing your Homework that it depends on you that are you just writing it or you are writing it after understanding this.............. The only motive to say that before doing anything you should first think that how can you do that thing in a most profitable way for you.... like you are going market in the evening then you can go with running it will be good for your health as well as it will save your time.

How to do Smart Work instead of Hard - Student Motivation

(2) Your Focus is your Real Strength:- 

How to do Smart Work instead of Hard - Student Motivation
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You know Dear friends that we are talking about doing anything in the most effective way in less time.  So how will you ensure the perfection of your work??? Focus!!!  More smartness needs more focus as your focus is your horse in this race of smartness.

Here is a separate article on how to increase focus 

 How to do Smart Work instead of Hard - Student Motivation 

(3)Avoid Multitasking 

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How to do Smart Work instead of Hard
 - Student Motivation 
Friends, sometimes it looks so cool to multitask but as we are talking about focus and there is no space of multitasking with focus. It divides your focus then you were not being able to complete any task perfectly. I am not saying that multitask never works but in this case of smartness, it will not gonna be a permanent idea.

 How to do Smart Work instead of Hard - Student Motivation 

(4)Judge Yourself by your Work not by Time 

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How to do Smart Work instead of Hard
 - Student Motivation 
 Sometimes most of people want so many productive results in some time as smart work but being initial with the smart work you could face sometime (1)Tiredness (2) Anxiety (3)Hypertension and most usual thing Demotivation. then you will start thinking about the result and sometimes find nothing with the time you spent but I want to tell you that nothing is so easier and its Smartwork means being smart from another. It will also test you, patient. So what to do.....???? the answer is easy Sometimes you have to follow keep it going policy Instead of leaving that work you should keep it going.

How to do Smart Work instead of Hard - Student Motivation

 (5)What You Love Doing Most is Your Backup  

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How to do Smart Work instead of Hard
 - Student Motivation 
Not only in smart work but it is a worldwide theory of working the work you love is the only thing you can do best. It's true that it can't follow completely in Life as most of the time you have to do the work you don't like and you can't leave everything else except your best. but while you are having pressure if doing lots of work you can compromise with you best and give priority in your week sector. It works best while you are studying.

 How to do Smart Work instead of Hard - Student Motivation 

(6)Belive that Smartness is in yourself

If you are one of those people who are in depression because of their performance and marks then they are unable to follow a singular step of this article so first and important thing is to believe in your self as you can't move bold steps until you are not confident. You have to believe that all smartness is in you and you are just getting way to represent that smartness through this article, this is not a source of smartness no one in internet can give you real smartness all can give you the way but you have to follow that and ya don't believe him whoi is saying to you that he will be with you in this journey.

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